Premature baby,
A Project for Romania, in Alba Iulia.

Construction Evolution

We are building a Medical Campus

In an area of 5000 sq m, with a ground footprint of 1700 sq m and a related land of 6500 sq m, for parking lots, green spaces, pedestrian walkways, playgrounds and outdoor therapy, with animals, for over 2000 children, annually.

The project came to life in response to the need identified in Romania by the family of teachers, Iulia and Sebastian Onac, after multiple hospitalizations in the country and abroad together with the girl Maria Beatrice, born prematurely and diagnosed with cerebral palsy.

There are more and more children who are born prematurely at risk. The causes are multiple, starting from pollution, stress, the daily rhythm and an unhealthy lifestyle to aspects of non-functionality, which are perpetuated in the Romanian medical system.

I want to support the construction of the first Medical Campus in Romania dedicated to the Premature Child, Prevention and Early Intervention

I want to support the construction of the first Medical Campus in Romania dedicated to the Premature Child, Prevention and Early Intervention

Why a Medical Campus dedicated to

In Romania, in 2023, 155,418 children were born, of which 25,887 were born prematurely. Although the birth rate is on a downward trend, in the last 4 years the share of premature births has doubled, so that at this moment almost 2 out of 10 children are born prematurely, and the trend for the following years is to increase.

Children born prematurely need functional assessment and monitoring during the first year of life, and a percentage of up to 25%, i.e. 6472 of them, need specific therapy from the first months of life just to avoid the chronicity of certain conditions caused by birth premature.

The Maria Beatrice Association is building the first Medical Campus in Romania, dedicated to the Premature Child, Prevention and Early Intervention, for 2000 children, with a real identified need of over 6000, annually, thus responding to more than 30% of the need identified at national level , a relevant Project for Romania.

What the medical campus brings new?

Targeted medical services in the new Medical Campus:

diagnosis and early intervention

for the purpose of early intervention on possible delays in acquisitions (delay in walking, speech, socialization, difficulties in play) or possible neuro-motor conditions

gait analysis, vertebral static disorders, abnormal postures of the spine and legs, neuromotor disorders

cerebral palsy, tetraparesis, hemiparesis, monoparesis, paraparesis, coordination disorders, various neurological syndromes (West syndrome, genetic diseases), spinal cord diseases, post-traumatic–cranio-cerebral and vertebro-medullary conditions, peripheral nerve injuries, myopathies and diseases neuromuscular (muscular dystrophies).

vertebral static disorders (kyphosis, scoliosis, hyperlordosis), disc herniation (cervical, lumbar, thoracic), upper and lower limb deviations (genu varum, genu valgum, talus valgus, genu recurvatum, flat foot, congenital crooked foot, equine), rickets sequelae, tendon retraction

sprains, fractures, dislocations, hematomas, vertebral compressions, muscle contractions, etc

Medical and Therapeutic Specializations

Genetics, Neonatology, Pediatric Neurology, Pediatrics, Pediatric Orthopedics, Physical Medicine and Balneology Recovery, Clinical Psychology, Psychiatry, Nutrition and Dietetics
Physiotherapy, Hydro-kinetotherapy, Physiotherapy VOJTA, Cuevas MEDEK, Schroth, Occupational therapy, Sensory integration, Speech therapy, Speech therapy VML, Psychotherapy, Psychological and behavioral counseling, Family counseling.

Stage of Works

At this point

I. Body Diagnosis and Therapy

All heating/cooling air/water installations, air quality, sewerage, running water, electricity, heat pumps, recently Photovoltaic panels, are verified and tested.

We have all the medical equipment needed for the facility.

We have the complete medical team: neonatology doctors, pediatric neurology, pediatrics, physical medicine recovery and balneology, nurses, physiotherapists, Vojta, Medek, Schroth physiotherapists, hydrokinesitherapists, clinical psychologists, psychotherapists, speech therapists, VML speech therapists, occupational therapists, administrative staff and of management, with almost 14 years of experience in the medical recovery of small children.

II. Boarding and Boarding Corps

It is built and has direct access to the Therapy Body.

Two of the 4 facades of the Accommodation, the Reception and the Dining Hall are completed.

Now we are working on the external systematization of the land (walls to support the banks of the earth, taking and underground storage of clean rainwater (from 1700 m2 of the roof), we are setting up the outdoor therapy park with animals (dog and therapy horse), parking lots, green spaces and pedestrian walkways.



The building is energy efficient

The masonry on the outside is Ytong 40 A+, thermally insulated with polystyrene/mineral wool 10 cm, respectively 20 cm above the concrete beams.

The external carpentry (doors, windows) has 3 rows of glass (two air chambers).

The ventilation and dehumidification systems in the Pool Area, Showers, and Changing Rooms are equipped with recuperators and heat pumps with thermodynamic panels.

Water heating in the hydrotherapy pools, 12 showers, 25 sinks in the toilets and treatment rooms is done by heat pumps with thermodynamic panels.

Electricity is fully provided by newly installed Photovoltaic panels, the lighting is LED.

All investments are made from the funds obtained by the Maria Beatrice Association from donations and sponsorships.

Stage of Works

Antreprenor general:

DEKA Structuri – Karoly Galambfalvi, Tudor Pîclișan, Daniel Butaș, Daniela Costea

Structură clădire, hidro și termoizolație, finisaje interioare/exterioare, grafice de execuție și gestionarea lucrărilor, proiectare.


BIROUL PROIECTARE STRĂJAN –  Vlad Străjan Proiectant general 

Domus Proiect – Corina Abrudeanu

Termice, climatizare, dezumidificare, ventilare, sanitare, instalații de limitare și stingere a incendiilor, instalații bazine hidrokinetoterapie 

Electronet Instalații – Mihai Turla / Proiectare instalații electrice

Diriginte de șantier construcții – Emilia Martin

Diriginte de șantier instalații sanitare, termice și ventilație – Adrian Paștiu

Diriginte de șantier instalații electrice – Răzvan Băcilă


VENTILCLIMA Instal –Daniel Mateiu / Termice, climatizare, dezumidificare, ventilare, sanitare, instalații de limitare și stingere a incendiilor

IMSAT Alba – Mircea Turdean / Instalații electrice

PORTEROM – Vasile Dăian / Tâmplărie PVC și aluminiu, compartimentări din sticlă

EMS Floor Systems – Claudiu Baciu, Marius Baciu / Rășini poliuretanice  bacteriostatice

Concrete Art Construct – Mihai Gruia, Geani Mitroi / Rășini poliuretanice bacteriostatice

CONSTRUCTAMA Alba –  Alexandru Leterna / Vopseluri epoxidice

LAGUNA Piscine – Mirel Gruian, Cosmin Sebeni / Bazine hidrokinetoterapie

SUMMER FUN – Anamaria Gota / Bazine hidrokinetoterapie – furnizare echipamente

DELEX – Dorin Fleșeriu / Pompe de caldură cu panouri termodinamice

DIAFAN – Emil Ștefan / Detecție și semnalizare la incendiu, efracție, video, sonorizare 

Real IT – Ciprian Hirsch / Rețea IT