Copilul născut Prematur,
Un Proiect pentru România, la Alba Iulia.
Copilul născut Prematur,
Un Proiect pentru România, la Alba Iulia.
We help over 2000 children and their families annually. See how we do it
SES – Germania

Senior Experten ServiceGermany at the Maria Beatrice Center

During 3 years, in 3 study sessions of 3 weeks each, Dr. Hildtrud Viebrock, (Hille Viebrock), Senior Expert Tutor Ute Schäffner and Senior Expert Tutor Ursula Eckerlebe, as part of the RO-PHYSIO/ 2017, RO-AIBOBATH/2016, RO-AIMARIA/2012 Projects, trained the staff at the Case Studies Center specific to the Center’s beneficiary children.

The project was financed from German government funds, through the German Embassy in Bucharest

Senior Experts

  1. Senior Expert Tutor Ursula Eckerlebe specialized in the Bobath concept in 1982, in London, being the student of Martha and Karel BOBATH, the founders of the method that bears their name today. Between 1995 and 1998 he specialized in Hamburg in sensory integration (perception through the senses of the surrounding world) and systemic family therapy (family-child-therapist relationship) having over 35 years of experience in therapeutic practice for children and adults in Germany .
  2. Senior Expert TutorUte Schäffner, former therapist professor at the Children’s Hospital of the University of Freiburg with extensive experience as a consultant trainer in countries such as: Argentina, Spain, Great Britain and Germany.
  3. Hildtrud Viebrock, (Hille Viebrock) Senior Expert Tutor, Koordinatorin Wissenschaftsbeirat, president of the Association of BOBATH Therapists in Germany from 1989-2007, who through her works contributed to the realization of the scientific basis of the Bobath concept, is the holder of a doctorate in education for children with special needs, obtained at the University of Bremen (1978 -1982) having a vast therapeutic practice after orthopedic surgery.

A total of 32 therapists of the Center have totaled 110 hours of theoretical and practical training, courses adapted to the specific cases of 60 children from Alba Iulia and the country, beneficiaries of the Center.

Course topics:

  • Staff preparation and training in elements of the Bobath Method (work environment, child handling, facilitation for daily activities).
  • Improvement of treatment based on the Bobath method;
  • Staff training in parental counseling for facilitating and correct handling of the child, for an improvement in the daily routine, dressing, optimal posture for correct feeding

The courses were held over a period of 3 years, during 3 weeks each, during which 32 therapists and 20 beneficiary children/per course, from Alba Iulia and the country, entered the Program. The Center’s therapists carried out assessments, presented opinions and types of therapeutic approaches, carried out therapeutic plans adapted to each individual case, with the exposition of reasons and the presentation of expectations, the interpretation of the results and the implementation of some standards in the therapeutic approach of the child.

We thank the senior German experts for coming to Alba Iulia to share with us their vast experience in the field of medical rehabilitation!

We thank all the parents of the children who participated in the practical seminars throughout the 3 years of the Project’s implementation!