Copilul născut Prematur,
Un Proiect pentru România, la Alba Iulia.
Copilul născut Prematur,
Un Proiect pentru România, la Alba Iulia.
We help over 2000 children and their families annually. See how we do it

Medical services

Medical Services | Therapeutic procedures

Telefon: 0743.893.625

diagnosis and early intervention

for the purpose of early intervention on possible delays in acquisitions (delay in walking, speech, socialization, difficulties in play) or possible neuro-motor conditions

gait analysis, vertebral static disorders, abnormal postures of the spine and legs, neuromotor disorders

cerebral palsy, tetraparesis, hemiparesis, monoparesis, paraparesis, coordination disorders, various neurological syndromes (West syndrome, genetic diseases), spinal cord diseases, post-traumatic–cranio-cerebral and vertebro-medullary conditions, peripheral nerve injuries, myopathies and diseases neuromuscular (muscular dystrophies).

vertebral static disorders (kyphosis, scoliosis, hyperlordosis), disc herniation (cervical, lumbar, thoracic), upper and lower limb deviations (genu varum, genu valgum, talus valgus, genu recurvatum, flat foot, congenital crooked foot, equine), rickets sequelae, tendon retraction

sprains, fractures, dislocations, hematomas, vertebral compressions, muscle contractions, etc

Physical Therapy


We carry out 7 Evaluation Stages for a correct medical approach

Pre-assessment - before the Child's arrival at the Centre

The Personalized Intervention Team and Therapists Responsible for the Case are established

10 working days before the arrival at the Maria Beatrice Center, the Family of the beneficiary child sends the Center a 4-5 minute video highlighting the child’s motor skills, namely what the child can do at that moment: roll over, crawl, sits on his butt, sits on all fours, walks, etc., respectively what are the limitations and what he CANNOT do.

At this moment the Therapists Responsible for the Case determine the Assessment Tests that will be applied to the child upon arrival at the Center.


Attend the Physician, Family and Case Therapists, as needed.

It is carried out by the Therapists in Charge of the Case

The Personalized Intervention Team participates, which, based on all the elements available, establishes Common Therapeutic Objectives in the short and medium term.

It is done at the suggestion of the current therapists, depending on the general dynamics of the child or in the case of a change in the general state of health, or if new elements have been identified that require a new therapeutic approach.

An open discussion involving the Personalized Intervention Team and the Family takes place, where home recommendations are presented and long-term goals are established that are also consistent with the needs of the Family.

The Case Study and Follow-Up Committees generate additional medical and organizational value by establishing common objectives, congruent approaches and in accordance with the needs of the Family, pay relevant attention to the parent ensuring the fluency of the Family’s communication with the Personalized Intervention Team.

The child’s timetable seeks, as far as possible, to take into account the child’s sleep, feeding and general dynamics during the day.

During the entire evaluation process, the correct and objective definition of “Contraindications” is sought! It starts from the principle according to which “Before doing good, let’s not do bad”.

Documents upon exiting the Center:

Individual Therapeutic Procedures

Physical Therapy


Terapie VOJTA

1-2 /săptămână

Medek Therapy

1-2 /week

Balance Suit

2-3/ week


Physiotherapy using assistive devices


1 Child – 1 therapist
Water temperature 34° C
3-4/ week

Cognitive and behavioral intervention

2-4/ week

Occupational Therapy

2-4/ week


2-3/ săptămână

Augmentative Communication - Alternative

2-3/ week

Sensory Integration

2-4/ week


(Magnetotherapy, laser, ultrasound, electrotherapy)
2-4/ week

EEG Electro-Encephalogram

When required


Medical letter, assessment report and home referrals.