Copilul născut Prematur,
Un Proiect pentru România, la Alba Iulia.
Copilul născut Prematur,
Un Proiect pentru România, la Alba Iulia.
We help over 2000 children and their families annually. See how we do it
Romanian Healthcare Awards 2023, Bucharest!

Romanian Healthcare Awards 2023, Bucharest!

Excellence in “Quality of Medical Services and Patient Safety” at the Maria Beatrice Paediatric Rehabilitation Centre, in the most prestigious competition in the Romanian medical world, the Romanian Healthcare Awards 2023, Bucharest!

This competition was judged internationally by 28 members from 10 countries: Romania, Poland, Bulgaria, Portugal, Norway, Germany, Ireland, Moldova, and Denmark.

The jury evaluated the finalists’ applications in seven categories in this year’s competition:

  • “Doctor of the Year”
  • “Medical Team of the Year”
  • “Hospital of the Year”
  • “Research Project of the Year”
  • “Medical Innovation of the Year”
  • “Medical Campaign of the Year”
  • “Quality of Medical Services and Patient Safety”

Finalists for the Romanian Healthcare Awards 2023:

We are an NGO and have been doing good things for Romania for 14 years, based in Alba Iulia!

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Asociatia Maria Beatrice - Romanian Healthcare Awards 1

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