Premature baby,
A Project for Romania, in Alba Iulia.
Redirect 20%
Join us and the over 42,000 people and 315 companies who are building from donations and sponsorships the first Medical Campus in Romania dedicated to the child born Premature, having conditions associated with prematurity - in which the patient is the entire Family, for the health of over 2,000 children, in every year.

Redirect 20% of your company's corporate income tax and support a project with social impact for decades to come!

Consult the Register of Cult Entities/Units by entering the C.I.F. 27786253 on the ANAF website:

You can sponsor the MARIA BEATRICE Non-Governmental Association if you represent a company paying corporate income tax.

If you are a commercial company paying profit tax, the amounts related to sponsorships are deducted from the profit tax due at the level of the minimum of the following: 0.75% of the turnover, respectively 20% of the profit tax due.

Sponsorship fiscal code extract

Extras cod fiscal sponsorizare

June 25 of each year is the deadline by which Companies can Redirect 20% of the Profit tax to the Maria Beatrice Association, through Declaration 177 from the tax already paid for the previous year.

The referral to the Maria Beatrice Association is made by ANAF, within 90 days of the submission of Declaration 177 by the sponsoring Company.