Copilul născut Prematur,
Un Proiect pentru România, la Alba Iulia.
Copilul născut Prematur,
Un Proiect pentru România, la Alba Iulia.
We help over 2000 children and their families annually. See how we do it
Privacy Policy

GDPR Regulation

In accordance with the requirements of the Law no. 677/2001, for the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, as amended and supplemented, and the Law no. 506/2004 on the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector, the Law no. 190 / 2018, and the GDPR (Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of personal data):

The personal data of donors and sponsors are made public on the website only with their written and signed consent.

According to the legal regulations in force, the association keeps donors’ personal data for 3 years. During all this time, donors can exercise their rights in accordance with the legal regulations in force.



In accordance with the Law no.677/2001 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, we inform you that our company records personal data only for the purposes provided for by law according to the notification number 10834 A.N.S.P.D.C.P. dated 25/02/2009.

By filling in the personal data in the online payment form, the donor gives his/her express and unequivocal consent to the processing of his/her contact data by the Maria Beatrice Association. Non-Governmental Association. Maria Beatrice guarantees the respect of the rights conferred by Law no.677/2001.



Asociatia non guv Maria Beatrice processes personal data for the following purposes:

  1. Creation of donor profile for the non guv. Maria Beatrice
  2. Thanks, assistance and further information on the Association’s projects.
  3. Transparency actions by email, phone or sms on the use of the budget collected from donations.
  4. Surfing online at
  5. Maintenance and security of the website
  6. Audit and internal reporting.
  7. Defending rights in justice.
  8. Proceedings and investigations by authorities and/or judicial bodies
  9. Social network browsing

Non-Governmental Association. Maria Beatrice, undertakes not to transmit the personal data of site users to third parties, except to direct collaborators, where access to certain data is legal and necessary for the provision of services (email marketing/newsletter services, payment processors, courier companies, etc.).

Association non guv. Maria Beatrice. is obliged to comply with the legal provisions guaranteeing the security and confidentiality of the data hosted and transmitted through its computer system.

Users’ personal data may be transmitted to and processed by certain third parties (service providers and partners) for marketing or service provision purposes, in full compliance with the Guidelines on the processing of personal data on the website

Also, users’ personal data may be transmitted to public institutions or authorities when there is a legal obligation to do so or at their request or to the courts in order to exercise the right of defence.

Non-Governmental Association. Maria Beatrice will use users’ personal data in order to notify them about the use of donations by displaying the status of the projects for which they donate, either through the website newsletter, sms, phone conversations or other messages sent by email.

The personal data entered by users is necessary for information, collaboration and subsequent thanks to donors by the non guv. Maria Beatrice. If the donor no longer wishes to receive the newsletter, he/she can unsubscribe by simply clicking on the link received by email from the Maria Beatrice Association or in any other way provided by the association.

The non guv Maria Beatrice Association does not sell, offer or exchange e-mail addresses obtained through this site, nor does it disclose e-mail addresses to other persons accessing the pages of this site without the explicit consent of the users.

Maria Beatrice Non-Governmental Association. processes user data for the period necessary to fulfil the purposes for which it was collected and in accordance with the association’s policies. retention of personal data. In some cases, legal provisions may require or allow data to be kept for a longer period.

User data will be processed exclusively for the purpose stated by the Association non guv. and only until such time as the user withdraws the consent granted therein, except in cases where there is a legal obligation to maintain them for a longer period, such as reporting data to public authorities or exercising the right to legal defence.

The collection, processing, storage and transmission of data will be carried out in accordance with the Guidelines for the processing of personal data on the website