Copilul născut Prematur,
Un Proiect pentru România, la Alba Iulia.
Copilul născut Prematur,
Un Proiect pentru România, la Alba Iulia.
We help over 2000 children and their families annually. See how we do it

Philip's story

"... I like to think that I'm a responsible mother, when I got pregnant I went to my monthly check-ups during pregnancy, I did my tests on time, I took the necessary supplements. I was on my second birth and I did my best that everything would be fine and the pregnancy would go as smoothly as possible. And it was. A smooth pregnancy, everything was like a dream.
That is why the shock of what followed was even stronger.
The night before the contractions started I went for a final checkup. I was told that everything is fine, that Filip weighs 3 kg 300 grams, everything is normal and very well.

Probably the fact that during the entire pregnancy everything went superlatively, led the doctor to draw hasty conclusions, I don't know, I don't insist anymore...

Filip actually weighed 4 kg 460 grams, and this caused complications at birth, the doctor being somewhat forced to pull him out and as a result, Filip’s plexus was damaged, so that it produced a “Total Paresis of right brachial plexus”, meaning, according to everyone, he was born with a paralyzed right hand.

At the hospital we were not given any chance of recovery, rather we were suggested to get used to the idea, that we can have another child, that life does not stop here, that the paresis is total, the child is very affected and that there is nothing more we can do. And that was about it. We were then sent to another hospital, another 10-minute check-up…

We found ourselves alone, in a world we didn’t choose to be in, a world we didn’t want to be in and from which we sought to get out as quickly as possible. Everyone looked at us with pity, pitied us, but we wanted people who would simply look at us normally, give the child that atmosphere of “it’s ok. Not the problem. Your problem is normal, and you can be normal if you want, even if you are “different!” I wanted so much.

Then I found out about the Maria Beatrice Center in Alba Iulia. Here I met people who did not look at Filip with pity, people who encouraged him, who motivated him, who smiled sincerely at him.

And when I saw how enthusiastically he leaves home, how willingly he goes to therapy, how fondly he talks about the therapists at the Maria Beatrice Center… for me it was something extraordinary.

Here we do Vojta therapy, Physiotherapy, Mechanical therapy, Massage and paraffin wraps, Hydro-Kinetotherapy, Occupational therapy.

Philip made enormous progress. Now he plays, uses his hand, catches with it… goes to kindergarten, has an absolutely normal life, many don’t even notice that he has difficulties using his hand. That’s how normal it is. And this is thanks to the 4-year work of a wonderful team that, together with us, built not only a better hand, but also a healthy mind, a strong character, a winner.

I am Anamaria, Filip’s mother, the man who fought daily by his side. I didn’t stop believing in him and continued to fight alongside him to get and give him the best for him. I didn’t stop believing in him and continued to fight alongside him to get and give him the best for him.

And let me tell you something. I succeeded!! Close. This story is one with a happy ending, even if we are still writing chapters…and for that…thank you Maria Beatrice!”