Premature baby,
A Project for Romania, in Alba Iulia.
Maria Beatrice Center
The Maria Beatrice Center for Children's Medical Recovery, having a medical team with 14 years of expertise in the field of medical recovery of small children on a complex case study from the whole country, we implement Prevention Programs for the Harmonious Development of the Baby (0-1 years), Evaluation-Therapy-Monitoring of the Premature Newborn, Medical Recovery Children with neuromotor, osteoarticular and musculoskeletal disorders:

Phone: 0743.893.625

diagnosis and early intervention

for the purpose of early intervention on possible delays in acquisitions (delay in walking, speech, socialization, difficulties in play) or possible neuro-motor conditions

gait analysis, vertebral static disorders, abnormal postures of the spine and legs, neuromotor disorders

cerebral palsy, tetraparesis, hemiparesis, monoparesis, paraparesis, coordination disorders, various neurological syndromes (West syndrome, genetic diseases), spinal cord diseases, post-traumatic–cranio-cerebral and vertebro-medullary conditions, peripheral nerve injuries, myopathies and diseases neuromuscular (muscular dystrophies).

vertebral static disorders (kyphosis, scoliosis, hyperlordosis), disc herniation (cervical, lumbar, thoracic), upper and lower limb deviations (genu varum, genu valgum, talus valgus, genu recurvatum, flat foot, congenital crooked foot, equine), rickets sequelae, tendon retraction

sprains, fractures, dislocations, hematomas, vertebral compressions, muscle contractions, etc

The well-being and comfort of the mother with the child is the first thing we think about since arriving at the accommodation and starting with the first day of activity in the Center. Find people here, whom we, the founders of the Association and the Center, have chosen as our own children.

You know our colleague Ramona Boian from the phone, she will also take care of the child’s timetable throughout the session, which tries to take into account the hours of sleep, feeding and the general dynamics of the child during the day.

Loredana Marinescu, a gentle and welcoming person, awaits you at your accommodation and is your host throughout your stay in the center. He has a badge that says “I’m here to help you” and sometimes the kids ask him to bring them juice… :)!

Mădălina and Adriana, help you complete the documents and offer you support. There are many indeed, but we must make sure that we have all the necessary data to be able to provide a fair medical record.

At the medical office, Oana Râza is waiting for you with Dr. Diana Dudaș and Carmen Samoilă. The highlight is that you don’t stand in line, or if you happen to wait it’s a few minutes. After the medical consultation, you will be taken care of by the therapists, who work like a clockwork system.

Moreover, you will notice that the entire activity of the center works on a bell basis, with intervals of activity having 30 minutes and a 10-minute break. The break is used for parents’ transfer of children between therapies, therapist-parent discussions/reports, noting by the therapist in the child’s observation sheet, sanitizing objects touched by the child.

It’s a whole anthill where everyone knows what to do.

The entire Center is coordinated by 11 Senior Team Leaders. Every morning, from 8 to 9, the Specialty Meeting takes place in which each beneficiary child is discussed separately, for a scientific and integrated therapeutic approach, based on common short and medium-term objectives, starting from the pre-assessment, initial and mid-term assessment, statement of contraindications, personalization of the intervention program, so that later the long-term objectives and recommendations at home can be established.

During the whole evaluation/therapy/reevaluation process, the correct and objective definition of “Contraindications” is sought. It starts from the principle according to which before doing good, let’s not do bad“.

Moreover, the Senior Team Leaders impress the unitary behavior and approach in everything that means the medical act, the attitude and honest relationship with the family, continuous professional improvement.

The parent participates in the medical act and understands the entire therapeutic process, the transformations and the recovery potential.

Parents “today” are informed, most of the time they are reactive and very well documented, therefore they have absolutely objective opinions in the therapeutic approach of their child. We are interested in these opinions which have otherwise helped us to develop over time, the parent being a partner in the correct therapeutic approach.

The Romanian hospital environment is generally disturbed by the parent’s opinion. The therapeutic approach is done in one way, quickly before and most of the time without understanding the whole emotional picture, often even the medical one.

Premature births are specific to titrated societies, and accidents are not selective either, so we should not question the ability of many parents to acquire appropriate medical knowledge and behaviors.

There are parents who study medicine for their children, and we are the ones who are building a Different Hospital for our little girl.

This is what we do fundamentally differently, Family is at the Center!

As Maria Beatrice’s parents and founders of the Center, we represent the foundation of everything that happens and the spirit of the Center’s therapists, chosen people, is that of high consciousness.

We hope that together, in the years to come, we will do a lot of good to our fellow men!

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