Copilul născut Prematur,
Un Proiect pentru România, la Alba Iulia.
Copilul născut Prematur,
Un Proiect pentru România, la Alba Iulia.
We help over 2000 children and their families annually. See how we do it

Tudor’s story

Tudor’s story Tudor is now an ambitious and optimistic schoolboy! In 2015, Tudor didn’t speak, wasn’t responsive, didn’t eat much, didn’t sit still. Now we have an ambitious, optimistic schoolboy who reads, thinks, does mathematical calculations! Tudor dresses and undresses himself, he likes swimming (he goes to the pool independently); cycle long distances; walks with Canadian crutches outside for distances of 400-500 meters with small stops; walks with one hand su...
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Carina’s story

Carina’s story Carina uses her glove again! “This experience put a smile in our souls again Carina was a normal, very cheerful child who made our life a story. But one year ago, on May 6, our life changed radically. He got sick at home so we went to the first hospital for help. When we got home, I could feel something was wrong, so I went to another hospital. At the age of 1 year and 3 months, Carina suffered an ischemic stroke. Our world fell apart, it was extremely difficult to acc...
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Philip’s story

Philip’s story “… I like to think that I’m a responsible mother, when I got pregnant I went to my monthly check-ups during pregnancy, I did my tests on time, I took the necessary supplements. I was on my second birth and I did my best that everything would be fine and the pregnancy would go as smoothly as possible. And it was. A smooth pregnancy, everything was like a dream. That is why the shock of what followed was even stronger. The night before the contractions starte...
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Antonia’s story

Antonia’s story Antonia takes her first steps on short distances!! We are from Bucharest and for 5 years we have been visiting hospitals and clinics and we have hoped with this brave little girl that the day will come when she will take her first steps and look, it is possible! After having a successful myofasciotomy operation in Germany by Dr Peter Bernius from Schon Klinik Munich, to reduce spasticity, Antonia arrived at the Maria Beatrice Center where she has so far performed 3 sessions...
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Articole recente

Family story
Tudor’s story
Carina’s story
Family story
Tudor’s story
Carina’s story
Philip’s story