Copilul născut Prematur,
Un Proiect pentru România, la Alba Iulia.
Copilul născut Prematur,
Un Proiect pentru România, la Alba Iulia.
We help over 2000 children and their families annually. See how we do it

Carina's story

Carina uses her glove again!
"This experience put a smile in our souls again
Carina was a normal, very cheerful child who made our life a story. But one year ago, on May 6, our life changed radically. He got sick at home so we went to the first hospital for help. When we got home, I could feel something was wrong, so I went to another hospital. At the age of 1 year and 3 months, Carina suffered an ischemic stroke.
Our world fell apart, it was extremely difficult to accept what had happened. After a month in the hospital, I came home with a child who was sitting on his back like a baby and couldn't do anything else. Fear gripped us.

In September, during an MRI scan, I met a mother who told me about the "Maria Beatrice" Center. On our way from Brăila to Alba Iulia, we didn't leave with high hopes, but what we experienced here is truly a story. From the first contact with the center and the therapists, Carina reacted unexpectedly well.

It was as if he had known them for a lifetime. I did not believe that there are people who work with such love and dedication for children, they were daily with a smile on their face. Carina already has several favorite therapists: Sorin, Flavius, Stefania, Andreea and Bianca.

Even after the first two-week therapy session, the results started coming. And now, after a second session, so many months after the accident, he is using his glove again. We still have therapy to do, but I thank God for putting you in our path.

We were also able to participate as parents with Carina in the therapy sessions, where they were also therapy for us, as parents. This experience brought us closer again, put a smile in our souls again.

Carina was and is a wonderful and much wanted child and has many people around her who love her. For these children, every day of therapy is important and brings them closer to a normal life, to a childhood as every child should have, one full of joy.

Out of their own pain, the Onac family managed to build a wonderful place in Alba Iulia where they help so many children and parents, an example that shows that something good can be done if you want and fight for it.

I would like Carina’s success to move the world, and the Maria Beatrice Center to continue to grow!